Brock at the Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility at UC Davis, April 2012
Congrats to Brock Harpur for wining the ultra-competitive Elia Scholarship from York University. The Elia Scholars Program is York University’s most prestigious graduate award, and Brock will use it to carry out his Doctoral research on honey bee immunity here in the lab. Great job Brock!
Happy to announce that Jack Xu, who spent last summer working in the lab as a NSERC undergraduate student, just received the coveted TOP STUDENT honours for the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Jack scored an incredible GPA 8.93 (out of 9)! Check out the YorkU Magazine story, and the video interview. Congrats Jack!
Congrats to Brock Harpur who won the 2011 Entomological Society of Canada’s President Prize in Biodiversity & Physiology! The award is given to the top graduate student presentation in the Biodiversity and Physiology section at the Entomological Society of Canada’s annual meeting held at Halifax. Brock’s talk was titled “Diversity and Selection on the Honey Bee Immune System”. Brock held a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s Julie Payette Scholarship in 2010, and currently holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Way to go Brock… We are all very proud!
I am very happy to announce that Clement Kent, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab, won the North American Pollinators Protection Campaign‘s 2011 Pollinator Advocate Award for Canada. I can’t think of a more deserving individual; By day, Clement solves the mysteries of the honey bee’s genome, and by night (and on weekends), he works to develop pollinator gardens to help save the bees, the butterflies, and the birds! Check out the press release and video interview and Clement’s pollinator garden blog. Clement will also be on CBC Radio’s Here and Now later this afternoon (3:30-4:30 pm EST) [click here to hear it!]. Way to go Clement!
Congrats to Alexandra Bunting and Jack Xu for wining the ultra-competitive Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s Undergraduate Student Research Award. The awards will allow Alex and Jack to participate in full-time research in the lab during the summer 🙂 This is the second competitive award to Alexandra who has been working in the lab since last year. Way to go guys!
Congrats to Alexandra Bunting (RAY student in the lab) for earning a York Technology Alliance Award.
I am happy to announce that I have been awarded the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation’s Early Researcher Award. The award will facilitate the lab’s research on honey bee genes, behaviour, and adaptation.
A big welcome to our incoming grad student Brock Harpur who officially joined the lab last week. Brock joined us from the University of Northern British Colombia (BSc). He is a 2010 Julie Payette NSERC Research Scholarship awardee – Congrats Brock!
Brock plans to launch (Payette-style) his graduate work with a molecular evolution study of innate immunity in the honey bee.
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) will fund Dr. Amro Zayed’s Discovery Program proposal titled “Genomic studies of complex behaviour: honey bee genes, behaviour, and adaptation” from 2010 to 2015. Visit www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca for more details. The funding will be used to integrate genomics and population genetics to study the evolution and genetic mechanisms underlying worker behaviour in honey bee colonies.
I am pleased to announce that NSERC postdoctoral fellow Dr. Clement Kent has joined our laboratory. Dr. Kent received his PhD from the University of Toronto where he studied the genetics of foraging and ‘social’ behaviours in the fruit fly with Drs. Marla Sokolowski and Joel Levine.