Martin Hasselmann Visits… Twice!!!
We were super excited to host Dr. Martin Hasselmann very briefly early this summer! Martin and I both worked on different aspects of complementary sex determination in bees during our PhD… I met him briefly in Germany in the early 2000’s and we’ve been good friends ever since. When he visited us in Toronto, i made these custom t-shirts for us… its an inside joke that maybe 20 to 30 people in the world would get (bees homozgyous at the csd gene are diploid males, and both Martin and I are also diploid males… ha ha ha… slow clap 🙂 I was really delighted when Martin told me that he wanted to spend a few weeks of his sabbatical in our group! yay!!! #homozygousatcsdforever!!!
Clockwise, starting from 12 o’clock. Lewis, Oseaga, Aishu, Natalie, Amro, Martin, Katie, Mashaba, Caroline, Pauline, Sam, Sydney, Dova, Sarah, Aidan, Darya