Today was a fine day. We had a very important paper from the lab accepted in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), one of the top journals in our field. I can’t tell you much about the work for now – it is embargoed until officially published by the journal – other than… it is very very very cool! But, perhaps you can guess the topic after seeing our ‘PNAS Cake”! [feel free to send your guesses via the comment box below]

The cake-lady at highland farms had a good chuckle when i handed her fig. 2 of our manuscript at 8:45 am today 🙂
The paper, and tasty cake, were the results of massive efforts by postdoctoral fellow Dr. Clement Kent, with the help of Shermineh Minaei and Brock Harpur (the latter two are recently minted MSc’s).